Having a single phone with 2 phone numbers and plans is very advantageous to those wanting good coverage. The major players for phone lines in the United States are as follows: T-Mobile, Verizon, and AT&T.
A provider may be great in one location but troublesome in another. This is due to multiple factors, such as the number of towers, congestion, distance, bands, etc. Ideally, being able to tap into two of these providers will provide dependable service.
Certain phones are able to support multiple lines from different providers. We’ll be focusing on the iPhone, especially the brand new iPhone 12 (although other older models also support this feature).
How to install two plans in a single iPhone?
If you have an iPhone 12, you’ll be able to use a SIM Card and an eSIM card. With this feature, you’ll be able to run a plan using the physical SIM Card, while the other plan runs on the Electronic SIM Card (eSIM).

The physical sim card gets installed inside the phone through a tray on the side. Meanwhile, the eSIM has to be installed using the cell phone provider’s application or QR code.
What are the best two plans for a major city?
We’ve personally used 2 providers on our iPhone. The first provider that we really like is Visible (owned and operated by Verizon). Visible party plan is only $25.00 and provides unlimited data. Visible also supports eSIM technology, making it a no-brainer to use in this two lines in one phone setup.
The second line will be provided by T-Mobile using their prepaid plan. For this setup, we will use T-Mobile’s prepaid connect plan. Which offers unlimited talk, text, and 2.5 GB of data.

iPhone/Apple has a very useful feature when the consumer uses two phone lines. You can dictate which line is used for what! Not only will you have 2 phone numbers that can be swapped around whenever but you can pick which line/provider is responsible for what service.
Personally, we put our main phone number as the T-Mobile connect plan. We make this number the primary so it defaults to it when calling out to someone. Visible is then labeled as the primary for DATA! This allows us to have T-Mobile service on our main line while taking advantage of Visible‘s unlimited data feature.
Furthermore, Apple has a setting where the iPhone will automatically swap over to the T-Mobile’s data if Visible/Verizon coverage is spotty. You can also manually go into settings and swap to Visible/Verizon data if need be.
In conclusion, for about $40 a month, we are able to utilize two networks and also get access to unlimited data. Good luck finding a setup like this from other cell service providers. Certain MNVO (resellers of Cell Service) may come close but good luck getting such a deal for 2 numbers and access to two separate networks.