Hard Drive SALE May 2021

We combed through the interweb to find the best deals on Hard Drives for this month of May 2021. With the Coronavirus pandemic, mass layoffs, and other economic issues, the supply chains have been negative affected.

First, we have the SK Hynic Gold 1TB 2.5″ SSD hard drive.

Get it directly from Amazon for about $90.00 if you are a prime member by clipping the special 15% discount coupon. Take an additional 5% off in the form of Cash Back if you use an Amazon Chase Credit Card. Not a bad pick up for such a low price in this economy.

Next, we have an SK Hynic NVME M.2 SSD from the same brand of SK Hynic. However, the SSD drive is only 500 GB rather than the previous 1 TB of space. With the 15% off coupon, the price comes down to about $64.00. If you have an Amazon Credit Card then you can save an additional 5% as cash back rewards.

Finally, for my fellow DATA HOARDERS, I’ve found this amazing deal on Newegg for a Seagate 1TB BarraCuda 5400 RPM drive for only 42 dollars after a special discount code. CODE: 93XRA47


Get it now on Newegg and continue to hoard that data… However, I’d probably run some sort of offline backup or RAID if this was hosting important files and documents!

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